Our Mission
Preserving the lands we love.
Dedicated to preserving the rural lands and character of Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Our Events
Every year we host two fundraisers—our Art Auction in April and our Fall Classic Road Rally in October—as well as two “friend-raisers”—our Annual Dinner in March, and our Summer Picnic in August. We hope you’ll join us at any or all of them this year!
art auction
Every year our Art Auction fundraiser features a wide variety of original artwork created by local and regional artists—everything from painting and drawing to ceramics and other three-dimensional work. Art is on display at the Adams County Arts Council from first Friday in April until the online auction toward the end of the month.
annual Meeting
Every March we gather to vote on our board of directors and honor the far-sighted local landowners who completed conservation easements in the previous year.
fall classic road rally
Our annual Fall Classic Road Rally, held in October, delights participants with an exciting road trip over the county’s most beautiful, least-traveled roads at the peak of fall colors. Each year’s route highlights scenic vistas that showcase our lovely rural countryside with the aim of sparking folks’ interest in preserving the lands we love.
summer picnic
Every summer old and new friends gather for an old-fashioned picnic, complete with friendly fellowship and games for adults and children alike. We take the opportunity at the picnic each year to catch up on news and honor our hard-working volunteers.

Get Involved
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead is thought to have said it, and we believe it! We invite you to join our community of committed friends and neighbors working to protect the rural lands we all love through the Land Conservancy of Adams County. Attend one of our events, share your time and talent as a volunteer, or make a donation to help support the cost of preserving land (and keeping it preserved) — or best of all, do all three!
Events. Fundraisers, “friend-raisers” — they’re all fun, and we hope you’ll join us!
Volunteer. Many hands make light work, and we need yours!
Donate. Protect the beautiful rural land you love with a gift.